Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Did you hear of Natural Remedies

Reviews of Ginkgo HerbBone Health

Some in the field of natural health will tell you that you can beat cancer through diet alone, or through diet and de-toxing. In many instances that is true, and some of the most effective and popular natural anti-cancer protocols, such as the Budwig Diet, are based on such a premise.

However, in my opinion, the more weapons you have in your natural arsenal, the greater your chances of success will be. That is why I advocate including one or more of the powerful natural supplements that have been proven to beat cancer and boost the immunes system, and which address what we know about cancer.

Our depleted soils and the introduction of modern industrial toxins and contaminants makes it hard to build a strong enough immune system through diet alone. Our immune systems were not designed to handle the multitude of modern toxins they now face, which is why cancer is largely a modern disease.
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Bone Health

Yerba Mate Tea Leaf - 125g
Yerba Mate Tea Leaf - 125g
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