Saturday, September 27, 2008

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General HealthThe Importance Of Nutrition For Your Overall Physical And Mental Health

Understanding nutrition as one of the key factors in health.

Scientific evidence is very clear about this: we can definitely manage our own health through the things we daily eat.

Did you know that scientists are actually looking into ways of protecting astronauts from radiation by means of dietary supplements? Radiation hazards in outer space present an enormous danger for the safety of astronauts, it causes the formation of free radicals. Through a special nutrition however astronauts are able to counter the effects of these free radicals.

The same principle applies to us ?normal? humans. Free radicals are forming all over our body due to all kinds of environmental attacks. It is a good thing that nowadays more and more people take notice and change the way they live in order to embrace the benefits of a healthy nutrition and exercise.

If a healthy body and mind is what you want, understanding nutrition is of the utmost importance. In its infinite wisdom nature has provided us with everything one needs to promote growth, immune system, mental alertness, physical strength and so on. Without a basic understanding about nutrition it will be very difficult, if not impossible to establish a diet which includes the necessary elements the body needs.

What exactly does understanding nutrition involve?

Quite simply put: everything you ingest has an influence on your body. So you have to make sure that what you eat contains those elements your body needs. What your body needs are carbohydrates, fat, protein and last but certainly not least water. The amount in which each of these elements is consumed influences greatly the way you feel, react and age

1. Carbohydrates ? this is the number one energy source of the body. Our liver and the muscles of our body need a sufficient intake of carbohydrates in order to maintain good health. You can find two major types of carbohydrates ( or carbs as some people prefer to call them):

-simple carbohydrates, which are predominantly of a sweet nature (eg. fructose, sucrose, glucose, etc) and

-complex carbohydrates, which are based on starch (and can be found in corn, brown rice, wheat, etc).

2. Fat ? must be taken in the required amount in order for it to moderate the metabolism and protect vital organs. Too much fat in your daily nutrition has the opposite effect however. The two major fats are

-cholesterol : you can get cholesterol from seafood, eggs, dairy products and meat.

- Triglycerides: saturated, poly-saturated and mono-saturated fats, they have an influence on your weight and heart function.

3. Protein ? Witout protein the body cannot grow or repair itself. The non-essential amino-acids are manufactured by the body itself ( hence the term non-essential, the body can provide its own ) while the essential amino-acids would have to be introduced into the body by consuming the right foods.

4. Water ? the body needs a lot of water: at least eight glasses every day. This amount helps the body to expel toxins, fight dehydration, prevent heat stroke, moderate body temperature, digestion and so many other functions. We all know humans can stay without food up to three weeks; however, they will perish without water in as little as 48 hours.

The right sort of wall balanced nutrition contributes directly to the health of individuals and communities. Clinical research as well as evidence collected through laboratory tests and field work support the importance of concept to the practice of clinical medicine, dentistry, and public health.

About the Author:

Frank Rom runs and operates a natural vitamin supplements | herbal supplements | nutritional information site. For nutritional information you should stop at

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