Saturday, March 08, 2008

PB Shakes Reviews and information

PB ShakesAzul

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:06:37 EDT
With the exception of the very beginning, this fic picks up mid-way through 3. 13, and heads in my own direction from there. Any PB dialogue is not my own....

Random Survey

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 00:00:00 EDT
What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Strawberry 28. Can you play pool? Is it anything like dead. 29. Do you know how to swim? Like a fish, just don't ask me to float. 30. Favorite ice cream? ... Hey, you asked! 39. Pick a movie quote: Let's turn up the juice and see what shakes loose 40....

Muscle & Fitness - Go nuts: better butter

Sat, 01 May 2004 07:00:00 GMT
May 1, 2004 -- This ain't Skippy. Just one 2.25-ounce pouch of Peanut Power Butter hits you with 32 grams of protein, 10.3 grams of essential fat (that's good fat!)...

HealthIs A Raw Food Diet Right For Your Pit Bull Terrier Dog?

Many Pit Bull owners are choosing to feed their pets a raw food diet rather than use the commercially formulated mass produced feeds. Others have never heard of the raw diet, also known as the bones and raw food diet, but are seeking more information about what this type of diet can offer their pet.

The raw diet entails feeding your Pit Bull or other pet mainly raw meat and meaty bones. The raw meat diet also includes some vegetables be added in as well. Leafy greens mixed in with the raw meat helps give your Pit Bull a nutritional meal. As an added bonus, finely chopped garlic can be added as a natural way to give added protection against fleas.

In the wild dogs are omnivores, which means they eat both meat and plant material. If you choose to try the raw diet, you?ll need to be sure and balance his diet by adding some vegetable material into each meal. Some owners who are fans of the raw diet like to add additional proteins like cottage cheese or eggs into the meat and veggie mixture.

It has been reported that dogs on the raw diet tend to lead healthier lives. Proponents of the raw diet say that canine allergies as well as dysplasia and a wide range of other canine ailments are mainly due to the commercial dog foods with their non-meat proteins and additives. The commercial market has also been accused of using the grain content in their feed simply because they are cheap fillers, and aren?t there for the true benefit of the pet.

Those who choose the raw diet also say that they feel they are giving their dog the diet that nature intended, and that commercial dog food kills any real benefits of the proteins in the cooking process. This in turn, they say, can cause problems to the animal?s immune system and cause other health related problems.

Raw diet advocates also state that the commercial dog food makers put special additives into the food which makes the food more appealing to the dogs so they get addicted to the commercial foods.

Of course the commercial feed makers state that there?s no difference in cooking a dog?s food as there is to cooking a human?s food, and that the nutritional value is still there. Commercial feed makers claim that dogs have very sensitive digestive systems and that the raw food diet can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

As a responsible pet owner, it?s up to you to decide on how your Pit Bull gets his nutritional needs met. If you have concerns about your Pit Bull?s nutrition, or before you change your Pit Bull?s diet, talk to your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can give you more information on the raw diet, as well as recommend any changes which may need to be made.

About the Author: To learn all about raising an American Pit Bull Terrier and training Pit Bulls, visit today.

Our thoughts on PB ShakesOrganic Peat Free Compost

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Some people tend to be more fortunate than others. People with innately high metabolisms are able to munch on chips and candy while others deprive themselves of any indulgences in order to lose weight. They exercise, make healthy food choices, and still have problems trying to lose weight. It can be frustrating, tedious process. For some, it�s a miserable one. To lose weight, they are often hungry, chugging bottles of water in an effort to fill the empty void in their stomachs.

The self berating comes when finally they ask themselves, �Is it really worth all this to lose weight?� Agitated, they pull the car into the nearest McDonalds, order a Big Mac and curse themselves later. When they are later angry with themselves for the bad food choices, they justify it in their own minds by telling themselves that the tuna and crackers they�d packed in a brown bag lunch just weren�t enough. They were still hungry!

For some, the battle to lose weight is a losing one. Willpower tends to bend when our stomachs start growling, and dieters constantly complain about being hungry. With so many products on the market that claim to curb the appetite, many of the products just don�t live up to the claims. Although you may struggle to lose weight, the issue of being constantly hungry often prompts people to binge eat, making both your diet and your self confidence fail miserably.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

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Health and Wellbeing Info

Natural Stevia SweetenerSummer Dieting Tips from Weight

Buddy.comJoey DweckCut the Calories, Bring Out the Bikini
Summers almost here and you want to get into the swim of things, but the B word V bikini V has been blindsided once again by that C word V calories.
What can you do to get in shape at the last minute?
Adam Shafran, co-author of the new book You Cant Lose Weight Alone The Partner Power Weight Loss Program, says its never too late to start losing weight. Aside from diet and exercise, Shafran says it is important to have a partner or buddy who can be there for you through your thick and thin days and nights.
Find someone V a friend, a partner, a husband, who you can be accountable to, he says. Someone you can walk with, someone who wont let you down, someone who will be there to exercise with you and get you to exercise and someone who will weigh in with you every week.
Successful weight loss, he says, doesnt mean that you have to deprive yourself; it simply means that you have to watch yourself.
Shafran, a Georgia chiropractor who along with co-author Lee Kantor owns a personal fitness center, offers these non-fattening bite-size bits of advice for fitting into that itsy-bitsy bikini:
Instead of drinking calories, eat them. Cut out sugar-based drinks like soda and juices and substitute water or dilute them with a shot of seltzer. Sodas have 200 to 400 calories, and Shafran says that if you can reduce your weekly calories by 3,500, you can lose a pound of fat. If you add exercise, it will be easy to meet the 3,500 goal because even if you only walk for 30 minutes a day, you burn about 300 calories or 2,100 per week. Add to that the 1,400 to 2,800 youll save by drinking water, and youre on your way to slimness.
Replace calorically dense foods with ones that arent dense. Those breakfast bars may taste great and they may only be 200 calories, but youre hungry again almost before you eat the last bite. Salads, fruits and soups are better choices because they fill you up. And make your salad a meal, not a snack. Add hearts of palm, walnuts, chickpeas, olives, tuna, corn, peas and even shredded cheese to the lettuce and tomatoes so its tasty and healthy. Juices are OK, but they wont give you the fiber to make you feel filled. They wont help you cut calories, he says.
Go light on salad dressings, which are calorically dense. Make your own with olive oil or canola oil. Measure them; dont pour them on.
Take more time to eat, and you will feel filled. Hunger goes away over time, Shafran says. If you feel hungry, you may only be dehydrated. Wait five or 10 minutes and the hunger will go away.
Eat several small meals spaced throughout the day instead of one big meal at night. If you are hungry and dont eat, you will become ravenous and start eating everything in sight, Shafran says. When youre at work, set a timer or an alarm on your watch that will beep every three to four hours to remind you to eat a snack. And make it fruit or nuts.
Its easier to exercise at a gym than it is to work out at home. Gyms offer visual distractions V you can watch TV, you can watch people. Theres energy in gyms, theres music, there are things to take your mind off the boredom of exercising, Shafran says.

To order the book You Cant Lose Weight Alone The Partner Power Weight Loss Program by Adam Shafran and Lee Kantor, call up

About the author:

We at Weight Loss Buddy are committed to helping you find a 24/7 buddy who will not only help you lose weight but who also will get you to change to a healthy lifestyle. You choose your own diet and your own exercise regime, and we find you a buddy who literally will stick with you through thick and thin. Signing up for a buddy is free. Simply go to


Mon, 03 Mar 2008 01:00:30 EDT
You also ingest these amino acids when you eat a natural whole food protein source....

New 'diet sodas' sweetened with stevia (Salisbury Post)

Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:49:59 GMT
They look like diet sodas. They taste like diet sodas. You just can't call them diet sodas.

Sunwin International Neutraceuticals in Contract to Supply 84 Tons of ...

Tue, 15 Jan 2008 17:21:00 GMT
Earthtimes - SUWN) engages in the areas of essential traditional Chinese medicine, zero calorie natural sweetener (Stevia), and veterinary medicines and feeds prepared from 100% organic herbal ...

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Did you hear of Natural Remedies

Stop Dieting for the Health of it!

Resolution: Stop Dieting for the Health of it!

"Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink, and swore his last oath.

Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably
shorter than ever." -- Mark Twain

Hello Everyone! This is part of my annual anti-resolution newsletter. Hope you enjoy it and are already having a great new year.

New year's type resolutions have never worked because they are usually associated with something the person doesn't want [as opposed to what they do want] anyway, or with something that is wrong/missing in their life. Focusing on what you don't want or what is missing also has the tendency to produce more of that in your life.

The word resolution itself means to re-solve...again...again...again. Not a good word to describe permanent change. "New Year's" makes it sound as if change is not possible at other times only one day per year. How's that for a limiting belief?

Being overweight, for example, is a focus on what you don't want. Diets and the deprivation that go with them as well as exercise we'd rather not do...eeks...more of what we don't want!

One of the strange ways that people motivate themselves to lose weight is to feel bad about being fat and then use those feelings to fuel the program to lose weight. As soon as they lose some weight they are thrilled [good feelings] and thus lose the motivation to continue to lose weight which was based on bad feelings. Sounds crazy but that's how professional yo-yo dieters do it.

Think about how crazy that is: feel bad about what we don't want! The only thing stranger is to know that most people motivate themselves this way for everything! You have to feel bad to stay motivated and focus on what you don't want.

Far better to motivate yourself with good feelings about the things that really do matter to you. Good feelings across the board for everything.

How about a focus on gaining [what we want] instead of losing [what we don't want]? Gaining health/fitness instead of losing weight. Gaining all the perks vs. doing all that stuff you hate cuz you feel bad about it...

Remember I'm only a hypnotist and these are merely suggestions so...

About the author:

Michael Dimas is a performance consultant, workshop leader, motivational speaker, personal coach, health & fitness mentor. He teaches a variety of programs designed to empower your body, mind & spirit. He is known for his high energy presentations, irreverant attitude and deeply caring for others seeking to make changes in their lives.
He is online at
and can be emailed at

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