Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Lets talk about Algae

Did You Know That Chlorella A Single Celled Micro Alga Can Boost Health And Wellness?

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:28:55 EDT
Chlorella is what is known as a micro alga, a single celled vegetable organism that grows in fresh water. Microalgae are microscopic species of plant life that are likely responsible for the biologica...

Hoping for miracle of 1.6m fishes - New Zealand Herald

Mon, 05 May 2008 19:12:00 GMT
This sprawling, jade-hued lake in eastern China is pleasant enough on a cool spring day. But when spring becomes summer, Chaohu turns slimy and stinky as algae fed by sewage, farm ...

Rescuing Coral From Warming Waters - CBS News

Mon, 05 May 2008 23:23:00 GMT
(CBS) They are a carnival of color and life. They have been used in medication to treat everything from heart disease to cancer. And they serve as a natural barrier to ocean ...

Topics on AlgaeSoapods - A Natural Alternative to Washing Powder.

However, Shark Cartilage has been used successfully for treating Psoriasis, in particular AE 941 a shark cartilage extract. Taken orally once a day it can be found in most health food stores and many supermarkets. Studies on psoriasis revealed that shark cartilage extract prevents the formation of new blood vessels. The growth of new blood vessels is believed to play a role in the development and progression of psoriasis lesions. Shark cartilage is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Short-term side effects of AE-941 include nausea and skin rashes. Long-term side effects are not known at this time.
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Soapods - A Natural Alternative to Washing Powder.

Stevia Stevia Powder Natural Sweetener

I�ve recommended these products to both family members and friends over the years. They�ve also experienced positive results and were very pleased with the products.

These vitamins come in both Men and Women�s formulas. They contain about 80 nutrients, most of which are rarely found in other supplements. The company also offers excellent all natural weight loss products as well.

These vitamins include nutrients shown to be helpful in preventing degenerative diseases common to both men and women. They contain vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, neuronutrients, bioflavonoids, carotonoids, herb extracts and enzymes, to name a few.
Visit this site for more Info on...
Stevia Stevia Powder Natural Sweetener

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