Friday, September 05, 2008

Green Stevia Powder Information

Green Stevia Powder ReviewsArthritis

The muscles should always be warm before stretching, and the stretch should always be gentle. Current research indicates that the stretch should be held for at least 30 seconds to be fully effective. Always ensure that your breathing is relaxed and rhythmic � holding your breath will make any stretch ineffective. It is also important to stretch on both sides to maintain symmetry. As a general rule do warm up stretching exercises starting at the top of your body and work downward.
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BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs

* Surfactants comprise a product category that performs various functions. Sometimes, they are used in cleansers, body washes, and even shampoos. They perform the role of emulsifiers in creams and lotions. They are also are used as solubilisers to dissolve oils in water-based cosmetics.
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BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs

Stevia a.k.a Sugar plant!

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:42:22 EDT
A) The crude Stevia leaves and herbal powder (green) are reported to be 10-15 times sweeter than table sugar....

Food Processing - Low and sweet: conventional soft drink sales may be down, but things are bubbling for low-calorie, naturally sweetened drinks.(Beverages)

Tue, 01 Aug 2006 07:00:00 GMT
August 1, 2006 -- Low-calorie, no-calorie, sugar-free and diet drinks are experiencing relatively strong growth in slow- and no-growth markets, according to...

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Green Stevia PowderTips For Weight Loss Without Dieting

There are two main reasons why the majority of people are overweight. The first is a high
intake of calories. We are all so busy that no one has time to prepare a healthy meal at
home. So what do we do? We hit the local fast food restaurant. The food is delicious,
dripping with grease and special sauces, but also loaded with calories.

The second reason people are overweight is low activity levels. The world has evolved into a
network of high technology. But it has come at a price. The people of the world have become
more sedentary. Hours and hours spent in front of our computers and video games are telling
the tale on our waistline and butts.

So if you combine fast food meals with sedentary lifestyles, what could you expect to get
but an epidemic of overweight people?

So now it is up to you to make a change. The goal is to burn more calories than you consume.
I am going to give you a few tips to make this possible.

1. Eat six times a day. Have your 3 regular meals and 3 small, healthy snacks in between.
This will boost your metabolism to burn fat.

2. Eat lean meats, skinless chicken and fish. If you feel like you must have that hamburger,
choose ground chuck which has less fat.

3. Eat smaller portions. Here is a good link to clarify portion size:

4. Eat slower. Give your stomach time to signal your brain that it is full.

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables. For snacks in between meals, eat fruit instead of cookies
or chips.

6. Drink more water. Replace at least one soda a day with a glass of water. Drinking a full
glass of water before a meal may help you eat less.

Next, it is important to increase your activity. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
If this is not possible starting out, here a few simple things you can do to increase your

1. Park your car farther away in the parking lot of work or the shopping mall.

2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

3. Put away the TV remote and get up to change the channel.

4. Dance!

5. Water exercise is especially good for larger people who may have trouble with standing or
walking. It puts less stress on the joints. Check with the local YMCA or health club to see
if they have water exercise classes.

6. Invest in a stationary bike. This is good for cardio exercise.

7. Get a partner. Find someone who will keep you accountable and give you support.

Warm up with stretches before any type of exercise. Cool down slowly after exercise to
protect your heart and help relax your muscles. Most importantly, always practice any
lifestyle change under the guidance of your physician.

Weight loss is up to you. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to become healthier.
Losing weight is not about dieting or starving yourself. It is all about a lifestyle
change. Commit yourself to eating better and exercising more and your life will definitely
change for the better!

Dawn Robertshaw has written numerous articles and ebooks on coping with life in the 21st century. For more free articles, tips, advice and a range of health and relationship targeted information products in written and audio form for immediate download visit us at

Superfood Drinks
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Natural Remedies Reviews and info

General HealthBee Pollen Granules

When faced with the decision whether to take bee pollen granules, capsules, tablets or many other by-products of bee pollen, it is a good measure to understand where granules come from and how they are made.

Where do bee pollen granules come from?

Bee pollen granules are the individual granules that come from the bee?s hind legs. The bee collects pollen from each stamen of the flower blossoms it visits. The pollen collects on their hind legs while the bee injects the granule with special enzymes and nutrients.

As the bee comes back through the trap at the entrance of the hive, the granules are gently dusted off their hind legs by a wire mesh screen. The granules then fall into the pan beneath the trap. These granules are then collected by beekeepers and flash frozen to ensure hive freshness. The granules are then taken out, in a frozen state, and the floral parts and insect fragments are removed. The end result is bee pollen granules in pure form. One granule of bee pollen contains every vitamin and nutrient essential for well-balanced health.

Selecting Bee Pollen Granules

Selecting bee pollen granules may seem like a trivial task but it really isn?t. A lot of bee pollen granules sold by companies have pollen that is collected directly from flowers. It is necessary and important to research the company from which you are purchasing bee pollen granules and discover how the granules are collected, cleaned and stored.

At first look at the bee pollen granules, you should see a wide variety of colors that are a direct result of pollen collected, by bees, from various flower blossoms. Contact the company directly to find out where the bee pollen was collected and that it is away from fields that contain either fertilizers and/or pesticides. Be sure to read all labels and educate yourself completely before choosing your product.

How to Use Bee Pollen Granules

Bee pollen granules need to be soaked for a period of 12 hours before ingesting in order to crack the shells of the individual grains of pollen. Bee pollen granules before a soak are not readily digestible and therefore your body will only absorb 2 ? 7%. Once the bee pollen granules are broken down in a soak of water or juice, it increases the absorption rate to nearly 90%! In that, you can appreciate the importance of pre-soaking the granules for maximum affect.

Bee pollen granules may be mixed in with a glass of juice, or sprinkled on a salad. Many bee pollen granule users, tend to sprinkle it over their morning cereal.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites; we offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.

The mind-body-soul regimen - Hindustan Times

Thu, 04 Sep 2008 09:52:00 GMT
My daily skincare regimen involves cleansing, toning and moisturising. Healthy skin needs mild cleansing, for which I use gentle soaps. I use products that are mild and do not ...

Contact us if you have any questions.

How to Lift Your Mood Naturally With Vitamins

Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:53:16 EDT
Similar to everyone else, you probably have an occasional period where you're down in the dumps. But don't fret; feeling a little bit down every now and then is normal. But when these low feelings per...

Organic Skin Care - Main Organic Remedies You Should Use

Sat, 30 Aug 2008 05:02:44 EDT
What is organic skin care? It is the most natural way of skin care. Such kind of face care was most likely the first way people have discovered and started applying to keep their skin beautiful an...

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