Friday, April 04, 2008

Not just A blog about Dr Wheatgrass Supershots

Holistic RemediesNatural vs. Synthetic Herbs & Vitamins -Four Mountains, Inc. Reveals WHOLE truth about holes in the Health Supplement Industry


Calabasas, CA Paper or Plastic? 1 ply or 2? The best, natural, conscious choice is obvious. When it comes to herbs and vitamins Natural or Synthetic? For those unclear about having the right to choose, Four Mountains, Inc. a clinical & research laboratory is unveiling unknown facts, stating that millions of people are buying incomplete imitation nutrition pills and are not getting the vital information or nutrients they need.

Calabasas, CA Paper or Plastic? 1 ply or 2? The best, natural, conscious choice is obvious. When it comes to herbs and vitamins Natural or Synthetic? For those unclear about having the right to choose, Four Mountains, Inc. a clinical & research laboratory is unveiling unknown facts, stating that millions of people are buying incomplete imitation nutrition pills and are not getting the vital information or nutrients they need.

Virtually all vitamin companies buy their raw materials from similar and frequently made from the same handful of manufacturers. The vitamin products that line the shelves in stores are basically all made from the place, all using synthetic imitations of actual nutrients. These formulas that are sold en mass to the public, are not real nutrition...VERY UNDERREPRESENTED in ALL MEDIA, THIS MESSAGE NEEDS TO BE MAINSTREAM NEWS," states Dr. Ward Coleman,N.D. and President of Four Mountains, Inc. "This is about biological facts that humans need to recognize and respect. The human body requires hundreds of whole, functional nutrients and needs UNfragmented, WHOLE FOOD COMPLEXES to be healthy. Fragmented, crystalline, synthetic, non-FUNCTIONAL bits and pieces are not adequate to build health, that's a fact. Formulas that provide what the human body actually needs are very rare. The imitations are not adequate! Coleman explains.

Four Mountains believes the main reasons people buy vitamins & herbs are vanity and health. The anti-aging market continues to grow as millions of consumers learn to take more control of the aging process. Consumers are becoming aware of the power of preventative and natural homeopathic/wholistic ways to treat certain ailments. Scientists and consumers both continue to learn more about the connections between diet, nutrition, degeneration and disease. New nutrition discoveries are continuous.

Only whole food nutrition complexes made from a rich array of food concentrates can supply a spectrum of nutrition BEYOND SCIENCE. The formulas Four Mountains has been using for ten years, from Standard Process Labs., provide thousands of nutrients that no food chemist has been able to imitate, states Coleman.

For media requests, contact Stacey Kumagai - 818/506-8675 or . Get your FREE EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT GUIDE from the #1 international supplier of Standard Process Contact Four Mountains, Inc. at or call 800-736-0904


Dr. Ward Coleman, N.D. is President of Four Mountains, Inc. - a clinical and research laboratory.

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