Sunday, September 07, 2008

Not just A blog about Psyllium Capsules

Psyllium Capsules TopicsAsthma

Always read the labels for the 'suggested serving size' and 'serves per pack/bottle/etc'. And try and stick to one serve. Bottled drinks are notorious for having more then the recommended serve. Be careful especially when having soft drinks, such as Coke or Pepsi, most people have a 600ml bottle... a serve of coke is actually a 250ml.
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Superfoods: R - T

� 2 to 12 weeks after you stop smoking, the circulation in your body increases.
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Superfoods: R - T


But there has to be some way for normal people to meet other normal people at the gym, right? The simple answer is yes, but not without keeping several things in mind - especially if your idea of a good opening line is something like �Nice shoes, wanna french?�
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Psyllium CapsulesBetter Nutrition - The fiber factor: if you aren't filling up on enough fiber-rich foods, you may need an extra boost from supplements

Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:00:00 GMT
November 1, 2006 -- Fiber is essential for keeping things moving through our intestines and helping with a wide range of health issues. A diet rich in fiber does much...

Natural SupplementsDiet Tips for a Beautiful Female Figure

Diet and exercise are the two main essentials in making and keeping the figure beautiful. No woman can reduce weight, improve a clumsy and ungainly figure, through exercise alone. Diet comes first. Comparatively few women need fattening. What most need is reduction.


Yet for those whose figure needs building up and filling out, the following facts should be borned in mind. First, relax mentally. Worry and nervous tension use up calories ? the calorie is the unit by which we measure heat and food ? very rapidly, and tend to reduce weight below normal. Secondly, sleep enough and breathe fresh air in plenty. Third, exercise, to stimulate the appetite and aid all the organs of the body to do their work. Fourth, eat more of the foods that are high in food value. Butter, sugar, cream and cream sauce on vegetables, cod-liver oil and olive oil, are all fattening.


Do not cultivate fallacies, if you are fat and wish to reduce your figure in accord with the normal and ideal body measurements, . Shun antifat patent medicines and quack "cures." Often they are based on mercury, arsenic or thyroid extract. Shun Epsom salts baths and too many Turkish baths. They do harm and no good. The reduction of calories is the real secret of
successful fat reduction, and a key to that unit of measurement will enable you to bring your figure within the proper limits, to keep your figure beautiful. The whole point is to know how many calories of food you need per day. Now, normally, a woman who does not "work" in any actual sense of the word, can do with 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day. If she follows some sedentary occupation, 2,000 to 2,200 calories will suffice her. If her business requires walking, standing or any lighter manual labor, she can run her calorie allowance up to 2,500. If she performs hard physical labor, she is entitled to 2,500 to 3,000 calories. All this is normally speaking.
But if you are too fat, if you wish to bring back your figure to its rightful lines, you must know what your ideal net weight should be in order to cut off the number of calories of food you do not need.

Among the kinds of food, note that Proteins, which build tissue and yield energy, may store fat.
Proteins are contained in meat, fish, fowl, nuts, milk, cheese, vegetables. Fats (animal fats, oils, chocolate, nuts) are stored by the body as fat. So are Carbohydrates (sugars, starches, including bread, cereals, potatoes, corn, etc.). Vitamins, food substances needed for growth, occur in animal fats, but not in vegetable ones, as also in eggs, milk, butter and meat, vegetable outer skins, grain germs and fruits.


These kinds of food must be balanced. If you balance them properly, you can reduce your figure
to normal without injuring health or keeping to a monotonous food diet. Proteins you must eat, but neither to excess nor the reverse. And you must eat Vitamins, which abound in nonfattening vegetables and fruits. Do not be afraid of drinking plenty of water. But do not exceed your calorie allowance. Without further theory we advise the woman who wishes to eat and grow thin to avoid the following liquids and foods.


Shun water during meals?it makes you eat more. Drink all you want between meals. Rich sodas must be avoided. But coffee in moderation and skim milk are not harmful. But every woman should know that all alcoholic drinks make her fatter if she is fat and thinner if she is thin, thus serving no good purpose. Each bit of food you eat beyond what your system and your normal weight, figure and calorie requirements demand, is fattening. Candy, pie, cakes, ice cream, whipped cream, candied sweet potatoes, cheese, rice, butter, fresh and white bread, rich meats, thick gravies and nuts are fattening.

"Keep off" fried foods, bacon, ham, pork, and all things made of flour, macaroni, dried beans, puddings, pastries and custards. But there are excellent beefsteak or lean meat, fruit and milk diets, the fruit diet especially being excellent for reduction. An occasional fast day, or certain days of low caloric eating a week are also good. A rapid method to reduce the overplus of calories is a diet of baked potatoes and a glass of skim milk, three times daily, for a week at a time. Or, instead of fasting altogether for a day, drink a glass of buttermilk every three hours. Again, small helpings of favorite fattening foods, or the dropping of one thing for another, will help attain the end ? which is the reduction of your calorie overplus. This is the whole secret of reducing fat and bringing the figure to its normal physical best, its legitimate beauty of outline, where diet is concerned.


A number of excellent books which deal in great detail with the different ways of controlling the
calories, of reducing weight and fat, are easily available. We have gone into some details ourselves, although diet and fat reduction is here only considered in its relation to physical beauty. In the books already mentioned, numerous "sample menus," etc., will be found.

Foods you can eat, and still feel you are not betraying your figure, include: (1) Any meat or game, save pig. (2) All seafood, including lobster. (3) Fruit, with the exception of grapes and bananas. (4) Salads and meat jellies. (5) Tomatoes, peppers, olives, celery, cucumber, chili sauce and Worcestershire. (6) All fruit desserts.

Beauty and health go hand in hand. Your skin, your hair, your figure, if not healthy, rob your loveliest features of their charm. Make health the cornerstone of an intelligent study and cultivation of every iota of beauty which you have. Physical beauty, in the best sense, means well-rounded physical development on a health basis. Make the most of your figure and every charm you, individually, may possess. Such is the gospel of this article. If its teachings be followed, power? beauty's choicest secret ? will be your reward.

The BIG Book of Juices & Smoothies - Natalie Savona


Lets talk about Maca Libido

Maca LibidoTips on how to grow long, healthy nails

Let's be honest, a beautiful set of, long, natural healthy nails looks classy and sexy. Immaculately manicured long nails say a lot about your personal style and confidence. We know growing long, healthy nails can be a challenge. Our simple tips show how you too can have a beautiful set of long natural nails.

First a quick biology lesson:

Your nails grow from the area under your cuticle called the matrix. The matrix is the living part of the nail. Your cuticle is the layer of skin that protects the matrix so the cuticle is very important for nail health and growth. As new nail cells grow in the matrix, older nail cells are pushed out toward your fingertips and become hard and compacted. Heredity and health determine how fast nails grow but nails typically grow about 0.1 millimeter a day, which means that it takes a fingernail about four to six months to fully regenerate. Healthy nails are smooth, without ridges or grooves. They're uniform in colour and consistency and free of spots or discoloration.

Did you know: Nails grow faster in the summer than in the winter, nails on your dominant hand grow faster, and men's nails grow more quickly than women's, except when a woman is pregnant when nail growth speeds up.

How long should my nails be ?

This is obviously very much a matter of personal choice but a couple of things to bear in mind:

The optimum practical length for your nails depends on your activities and your lifestyle. In general the nail tip should extend no further than one third of the body of the nail.

Nails break less often when they are all of equal length and shaped square, oval, or round.

Tips on growing, long and healthy natural nails:

Long nails tip 1: Don't use your nails as tools.
Rather than using your nails use other parts of your hand, or a pen, to perform tasks like dialing the phone. Don't pick, poke or scrape with your nails and especially avoid opening soft drink cans with your nails.

Long nails tip 2: Wear gloves.
Detergents are particularly harsh on your nails and can cause splitting and peeling. Wear gloves when washing dishes or cleaning. You should also wear gloves when gardening to protect your nails from infection and prevent dryness, damage, and loss of natural oils.

Long nails tip 3: Don't bit your nails or pick at your cuticles.
Aside from the obvious reason of biting shortening your nails these habits can damage the nail bed. Even a minor cut alongside your nail can allow bacteria or fungi to enter the nail bed and cause an infection. Remember your nails grow slowly so an injured nail retains signs of damage for several months.

Long nails tip 4: Look after your cuticles.
The cuticle is a barrier that keeps bacteria from the nail matrix, where new cells are generated, so it should not be cut or trimmed. On the other hand you do want to keep cuticles from becoming overgrown, which suffocates nail growth. If your cuticle has grown out on to the nail plate, after sufficiently softening your cuticles in warm water, very gently use a cuticle pusher to push your cuticles back. As well as pushing your cuticles back this will help to remove dead skin and debris that may have accumulated. Hold the cuticle pusher at an angle, and use tiny circular movements, so that you are as gentle and careful as possible and do not damage the cuticle. When you have finished doesn't forget to moisturize your hands.

Long nails tip 5: Look after your nails.
Trim fingernails and clean under the nails regularly. Use manicure scissors or clippers and a nail file to smooth nail edges. Never pull off hangnails - doing so almost always results in ripping living tissue. Clip hangnails off, leaving a slight angle outward.

Long nails tip 6: Caring for brittle nails.
Trim brittle nails after a bath, or a 15 minute hand soak in bath oil, and then apply a moisturiser. Don't use nail polish remover more than twice a month. Instead, touch up the nail polish. When you do need to use a nail polish remover avoid those that use acetone, which dries out nails. Also consider using a nail strengthener and growth formula.

Long nails tip 7: The role of diet.
Unless your diet is deficient in protein and vitamins dietary changes that supposedly strengthen nails won't work. Your nails can however offer telltale signs of dietary problems such as:
Lack of vitamin A and calcium causing dryness and brittleness.
Lack of protein, folic acid and vitamin C causing hang nails
White bands across the nails caused by protein deficiency.
A lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid causing splitting nails.
Insufficient intake of vitamin B12 leading to excessive dryness, very rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails.
Insufficient zinc causing development of white spots on the nails.
Red skin around your cuticles can be caused by poor metabolism of essential fatty acids.

If you are concerned that your diet may not be balanced and healthy you should consult a medical or nutritional professional.

Long nails tip 8: Moisturise your nails.
Nails need moisture just like your hands do. Rub lotion into your nails when moisturising your hands. Be sure to apply moisturiser each time you wash your hands

Long nails tip 9: Use coloured nail polish.
Use coloured nail polish while you are growing your nails. If you prefer a softer look, try a sheer shade. Coloured nail polish helps you become more aware of your hands and how to use them in a way that keeps your nail polish undamaged and hence your nails protected. It also makes chips easier to spot so that you can make immediate repairs.

Long, beautiful natural nails take commitment and special care to grow and maintain. Be patient, the average nail takes 3 to 6 months to grow.

Frequently asked questions:

My nails are weak. What can I do to strengthen them?

Unfortunately, if you have naturally weak nails then it's probably hereditary and you can't permanently change them. You can, however, do things to make them stronger. Try a nail strengthener and growth formula. Many women are confused about how to use these products, so here are a few tips:
Make sure you apply a thin coat. Because you'll be applying it daily you don't want it to build up too much. If you're at the very beginning stages of growing out your nails only use a strengthener and growth formula on your nail plate and apply it every day. Once your nails start to protrude, and you want to apply nail polish, use the strengthener and growth formula as a base coat and as a top coat.

Why do I have ridges in my nails?

Ridges or corrugations (referred to as beau's lines) in nails occur when nail growth is uneven, usually because of illness or injury. Gentle buffing can minimize ridges. A Ridge Filler will also help to level the nail surface, smoothing out shallow ridges and other imperfections.

What causes my nails to turn yellow and how can I get rid of the yellow stains?

Darker coloured nail polish can cause a chemical reaction between the nail polish's coloring agent and the nail plate. This can cause nails to develop a yellowish color. While it is different for every person this reaction can occur in a matter of days or within weeks of wearing the nail colour. To prevent nails from yellowing always use a base coat before applying nail polish. Not only will this prevent staining but it can also extend the life of the nail polish. For already yellow nails soak nails in a solution of 1/2 cup of water and the juice of one lemon for up to 15 minutes, once a week

Why are my nails so flaky around the cuticle beds? What causes this?

Unless you have an allergy to something you are handling it is likely to be dryness which is the cause. It is important to correct this since, as mentioned, cuticles are very important for nail health. You should regularly moisturize your cuticles, and hands.

My nails can grow, but after a while they begin to peel and stop growing. What can I do to stop this?

Many women want long, well-shaped nails, but the stresses of daily life and work may make them a challenge to grow. Your nails could potentially benefit from additional protection when they reach more vulnerable lengths. A nail strengthener and growth formula could assist.

What causes thin nails and what can make them stronger?

When your general health is good and you are not handling strong chemicals that might affect the nails, it is likely to be heredity that produces thin nails. Your nails could also potentially benefit from a nail strengthener and growth formula.

About the Author

Donna is a trained makeup artist with her own beauty business. As both a business women and a mom with 2 children Donna understands the time pressures on women today and through this, and other articles, has endeavored to take the complexity out of looking great with some "busy women friendly" beauty tips and advice. If you would like to read more of Donna's articles check out her website:

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