Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Health Info

Reviews of Kelp SeaweedJoint and Muscle Health

There are 2 numbers related to your body that are vital:
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Joint and Muscle Health

Guarana Tablets & Powders

Target opportunity buyers for the greatest chance of success.
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Guarana Tablets & Powders

Maca Powder

* Watch the video before you actually start participating. This way you can see what you will be doing and the equipment needed to participate.

* Make sure the instructors give a "beginners option". This means there should be someone in the group using no weights - follow them until you are comfortable and confident with the program to add weights. In addition, there should be a section at the beginning of the video (or DVD menu) the focus on showing you the proper form and technique of the lifts required.

* When you first start using the weights, if at anytime, the weights become too heavy for you, STOP. Change to a smaller weight or revert to the beginners' option. The old saying "No pain, no gain" is completely outdated - you can do more damage then good. Listen to your body, it'll tell you if it isn't coping.
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Maca Powder

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Guarana Capsules for health

Guarana CapsulesContact us if you have any questions.

Bee Pollen