Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lavender Flowers Updates

Natural HealingThe Dr. Phil Diet Explained

Dr. Phil McGraw once published a book entitled "The Ultimate Weight Solution: Seven Keys to Weight Loss Freedom" in which he introduced the world to his new diet, the "Shape Up Plan". This popular diet (allegedly top 10 in the USA) is based on 7 main foundations, namely:-

  • Right thinking for self control
  • Healing feelings as the key to emotional control
  • No fail environment
  • Mastery over food and impulse eating
  • High-response cost / high-yield nutrition
  • Intentional exercise
  • The circle of support

Dr Phil is a realist - he reminds us that dieting is never easy. but then again, nothing worth having ever is! The Shape Up Plan is a balanced approach to weight control. You will essentially be eating high fiber foods such as complex carbohydrates, whole grains, fruits and vegetables plus lean protein and "good" fats.

Dr Phil explains that you need to focus on eating only "high-response-cost, high-yield foods." - a perfect example would be sunflower seeds - your body needs to do a lot of work to process these kinds of food before the calories in them actually become available to you. This is in direct contrast to "low-response-cost, low-yield foods" like burgers or tacos which are easy to eat and digest. Dr Phil believes that the extra steps the body needs to take to process these good foods mean that they are leass likely to be converted to fat. Unlike some diets, you can eat most things in moderation. This is because Dr Phil believes restrictive diets don't work - banned food make dieters unhappy, and they tend to become obsessive about them leading to sudden binges, and dropping of the diet. Instead, Dr Phil recommends you watch portion sizes, eat mostly foods that are high in nutrients and fiber, stay away from salts and fats, and choose foods that involve some work when eaten (such as broccoli, peanuts and fish).

Food to avoid include avoid fast food, and any easily consumed food - the phrase he likes is to avoid eating anything that will turn you into a human "wood chipper." For this reason, you shouldn't buy cookies and potato chips. Instead you should stock up on vegetables and other healthy foods bought from a list. A full list of good and bad foods is available at

Like a lot of sensible diets, the Shape Up Plan incorporates exercise. Dr Phil suggests the standard 3 times per week, for at least 20 minutes a time. Following the Doctor's recommendations can lead to weightloss of between one and two pounds per week - slow steady loss, of course, being easier to maintain than loss acheived via 'crash diets'. Once you hit the target weight you want, the rules slacken considerably, although you still need to remember the 7 keys to success, and base your eating habits on them.

About The Author

Helen writes diet articles and tips for free site the web's easiest weightloss center.

Lavender FlowersRuby Room taps into flower power - Kankakee Daily Journal

Sun, 24 Feb 2008 03:53:44 GMT

Ruby Room taps into flower power
Kankakee Daily Journal, IL - Feb 23, 2008
For more ways to use Fett suggests adding fresh or dried flowers to baths. Try lavender flowers with a splash of lavender water, or add rose petals with a ...

Grow your own herbs (Part 3)

Sat, 02 Feb 2008 23:54:00 GMT
Daily Telegraph - When your chive plants start to flower, use those flowers and cut the plant back to just ... Any uses and tips for lavender? Lavender is a real stress buster – I have a sprig or two ...


Recent information on Astragalus Capsules

Astragalus CapsulesDietary Supplements - Attain Better Health

In the year 2005, more than 187 million consumers depended on
daily dietary supplements to provide the nutrients omitted from
the daily diet...nutrients that are needed to attain and maintain
optimum health.

Maintaining a strong immunity level built up through proper
nutrients can contribute greatly to keeping you out of the
doctors office. On the other hand, people with low immunity
levels tend to contract many illnesses and often suffer for a
longer duration than healthy individuals.

The DSEA (Dietary Supplement Education Alliance) found in a
recent study (11/05) that certain dietary supplements helped
seniors to live longer and to live more independent lives.

Further evidence of dietary supplement benefits are acknowledged
by the DSIB (Dietary Supplement Information Bureau) who also
reported that nutritional supplements help people live longer,
healthier lives.

Dietary supplements can also help reduce healthcare costs in the
billions of dollars by off-setting healthcare expenses through
better health attained and maintained by receiving proper
nutrients that are needed in the body.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recently issued a health
claim for omega-3 fatty acids. Several other dietary supplements
are scheduled to be added to the list in the near future.

Qualified health claims for dietary supplements are now being
released to the public. As healthcare costs and health insurance
skyrocket, preventive self care seems to be more widely accepted
and practiced.

Many individuals can potentially benefit from the use of dietary
supplements. The following dietary supplements may be of value
to the immune system:

- Vitamin C provides antioxidant to cells, and may reduce the
risk of cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer.

- Vitamin E may reduce free radical damage and cut the risk of
diabetes, and cancer.

- Vitamin A helps support mucous membranes, and the skin.

- Selenium may help protect against prostate cancer and is known
as an anti-aging nutrient.

- Coenzyme Q10 may help generate energy for metabolism.

- Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart and the nervous system.

People that use dietary supplements can save themselves money,
save the healthcare system money, and in general have a more
healthy and productive life.

Remember...You still have to eat healthy. Get as many vitamins,
minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids in your diet as is
possible. But, you can also consider taking a dietary supplement
to make-up for what is lacking. With soil depletion and other
environmental deficiencies so prevelent, taking dietary
supplements is a good way to make sure that you get all the
nutrition that you may need. See

About the Author

This article may be reprinted on a website, blog or for personal use IF all content remains unchanged and this resource box is included. is an excellent source for health information and a free health newsletter.

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