Sunday, November 30, 2008

Recent information on Mucoid Plaque

Mucoid PlaqueInformation on Eczema - Cure Your Eczema Through Your Colon

Wed, 19 Nov 2008 07:10:50 EDT
Over a period of a colon cleanse you can pass extraordinary lengths of mucoid plaque at any one time....This mucoid plaque can vary in texture and can range in colour from light brown to yellow or grey depending on the condition of the chemical cocktail in your intestines....This mucoid plaque that get released resembles a skipping rope and is twisted and creased all over....

Colon, feel the noise

Fri, 21 Nov 2008 05:38:44 EDT
... s much of the famed mucoid plaque out of my system and into the sewage networks of this world....Mucoid plaque sightings had been made but nothing like any of the glossy pictures I’d...The literature goes into great depth about mucoid plaque (which, incidentally, is a superb name for a band)....The resulting cosmopolitan nature of the flotsam meant that I couldn’t be sure if any more mucoid plaque had been deported, but I was too relieved to care....

Contact us if you have any questions.

Colon Cleansing - Just a Marketing Hoax?

Sat, 22 Nov 2008 22:08:42 EDT
What it does it to make the stool more mucoid and fool the user into thinking that the treatment is working and that manufacturers are just riding on this market t rend to make money. ... Critics also claim that there are no such thing as 'mucous plaques' and that it is just a myth propagated to increase sales of the product. Now, this claim is unfounded in science....
