Friday, March 14, 2008

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Natural SupplementsWomens Health: Cervical Smears

All women at some point in their life will have to have a cervical smear as a part of a health checkup. But do you know exactly what a cervical smear is, and how it can affect, diagnose or treat womens ailments? Read on for more information about this common procedure.

Womens Health: What is a Cervical Smear?
A cervical smear is a test used on women to tell if there are any changes in the health of the cervix. This is helpful to diagnose the early stages of cancer.

The cervix is located at the end of the uterus, and connects to the top of the vagina. There is a central canal that connects the vagina to the inside of the uterus, and it measures approximately 3cm square.

Womens Health: Why Have a Cervical Smear?
The main reason to have a cervical smear is to monitor the health of the cervix, and to lower the number of women who contract cervical cancer. The smear is targeted to detect early strains of potentially cancerous cells. If caught in time, womens health may not suffer terribly, and the growth of the cancer may not progress further. However, a cervical smear is just a screening process; it wont detect all forms of cancer, all of the time.

Womens Health: Who Needs a Cervical Smear?
Women who are sexually active, or who are 18 or older (whatever comes first) should take their health in their own hands and have regular cervical smears until the age of 70. A regular smear would be every three years for most women, depending on their health and the results of the last smear. Also, women who are not healthy should have annual smears, such as those with HIV. Women who have had a hysterectomy who have had abnormal pap smears in the past should get themselves checked every year by a health practitioner; there is still a risk of abnormal cell growth at the top of the vaginal canal.

Womens Health: How is a Cervical Smear Done?
A cervical smear is only taken when women are in good health, and are not bleeding. Any blood that appears during the testing can skew the results unnecessarily.

The procedure is performed with women on their backs, and their legs held up in the air by a health practitioner or stirrups. A speculum is placed inside the vagina, so that the health practitioner can view womens cervix closely. Then a brush-like instrument is placed over the cervix, and cells are wiped onto the brush, and then placed onto a glass slide for diagnosis.

Womens cervical smears can be done by a health practitioner, such as a doctor or nurse. The procedure usually only takes a couple of minutes, at the most, and isnt painful, although it may be a bit uncomfortable.

About the author:
For more more information about womens health please visit


Not just A blog about Windup Radio

Reviews of Windup RadioEczema

� Don�t go to an event famished. Make sure to eat lightly during the day and have a light meal 1�2 hours before you head out for that holiday gathering. Saving up the calories for later can result in total sabotage to your good intentions. Most holiday parties offer a large number of high-fat, high-calorie foods that will look much more appealing when you�re starving than if you feel satisfied. Sure, these foods may still look enticing and you can sample them, but at least hunger won�t be the driving force toward these cravings!
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Female Reproductive Health

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Female Reproductive Health


Enzymes are extremely important to digestion because without them digestion could not take place and the food we eat could not be absorbed into our bodies to be utilized. Enzymes, which are complex proteins that are produced by living cells and can be found in digestive juices, start chemical reactions in the body. They act on food by breaking it down into simpler components that can be used by the body for energy. If digestive enzymes don�t work adequately, inadequate digestion will result which is thought to be a significant cause of food allergies. When food is not digested completely it can initiate allergic reactions in the body, causing inflammation and immune sensitivity and lead to chronic inflammatory conditions and certain types of arthritis.

There are many enzymes that are part of the digestion process. However, there are three main enzymes that are involved in digestion. These are amylase, protease, and lipase. Other enzymes, including sucrase, lactase, and maltase are very important for secondary function in digestion. Amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates, can be found in saliva and pancreatic secretions. It initiates digestion of dietary starches and breaks down starch into several simpler molecules. Disaccharides including lactose, maltose, and sucrose, are broken down into simple sugars by lactase, maltase, and sucrase. These simple sugars can be absorbed through the small intestine to help with energy production. Proteases, which break down protein, cause protein digestion to begin in the stomach. The stomach�s acidic environment activates the protease pepsin, which is deactivated in the alkaline environment of the intestine. Proteins are further broken down by pancreatic enzymes into amino acids in the intestine. Lipases break down fat into essential fatty acids. Fat digestion speeds up in the second part of the small intestine with the help of the pancreatic lipases. These lipase enzymes are responsible for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K.
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HealingWhy It Is Important To Understand The Fine Distinction Betweeen Health And Fitness


Why It Is Important To Understand The Fine Distinction Betweeen Health And Fitness

Submitted By: Ron Taggy

Stu Mittleman broke the world record for running 1000 miles in the shortest amount of time. In his case, he did it in 11 days and 19 hours. He averaged 84 miles a day, and ran 21 hours a day and only slept three. Just as amazing is that he did not experience any injuries on his body at all, and many people reported that he looked just as good finishing the race as he did when he started.

Stu said that his understanding of the distinction between health and fitness was the single most important factor for his success. In fact, many people who experience the frustration of working out religiously and yet still remain overweight don't understand this important point. Actually, many of these people are inviting disease and emotional distress into their lives.

To put it simply, fitness is the physical ability to perform an activity. Health, on the other hand, is the different systems in your body working in an optimal way. Surprisingly, fitness and health do not always go hand and hand. In fact, it is very possible to be extremely fit and still have bad health.

This means that you should never try to become fit at the expense of your health. In other words, you must maintain a balance of health and fitness. And guess what happens when this occurs? You reach an optimal metabolism.

Perhaps the best way to become healthy and fit at the same time is to establish an aerobic base. In this case, you go through a period of time where your whole fitness program revolves around aerobic activities. Generally, experts recommend you build your aerobic base for a period of two to eight months. Then, you can begin to infuse anaerobic workouts into your fitness program.

The reason why this works is that properly developing your aerobic system allows you to burn off extra fat, improve your immune system, give you more energy and cut back on the chance of injuring yourself. This means that you will become both fit and healthy simultaneously. That was the secret to Stu Mittleman's success for breaking the world record for the fastest time for running 1000 miles.

There is one last thing I want you to consider. As a society, we are generally anaerobic-excessive, and it seems to be affecting the quality of our health. In most industrial societies, people are becoming less and less physically active. In order to combat that, many people force themselves to exercise. When they do this, they often push themselves too hard, because they're trying to make huge gains in small amounts of time. This can have a negative effect on your health because of the improper balance you're creating within your body.

In conclusion, it's important to understand the difference between health and fitness, and how it can affect your exercise program. Remember that the key is never to neglect your health for your fitness. A disease free life can help you maintain and achieve your fitness goals.

About the Author:

The author is part of an expert fitness team, that has launched a comprehensive guide on Bowflex fitness equipment. To read our independent reviews, user videos and low price alerts for the Bowflex models and how they can help you achieve your fitness goals, visit Bowflex Revolution Reviews

Article Tags: fit, health, time

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