Saturday, April 05, 2008

Not just A blog about MSM

MSMThe Victims Of The Sub-Prime Crisis Congress And The MSM Are Ignoring - OpEdNews

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 19:48:04 GMT

The Victims Of The Sub-Prime Crisis Congress And The MSM Are Ignoring
OpEdNews, PA - Apr 3, 2008
Yes, some measures are being proposed to help those who are facing foreclosure - but as usual, the MSM and Congress have not addressed another crisis that ...

Florida Advocacy Group Launches HIV/AIDS Education, Testing Campaign Aimed At MSM (Medical News Today)

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 15:15:45 GMT
COMPASS, a Palm Beach County, Fla.-based gay and lesbian advocacy group, last week launched an HIV/AIDS education and testing campaign aimed at men who have sex with men, the Palm Beach Post reports. The campaign encourages MSM to sign cards pledging to promote HIV testing to 10 other people.

Thinking Allowed. Thinking Aloud. (Screenshots)

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 23:57:17 GMT
In the aftermath of unprecedented and humiliating defeats in five states and the Federal Territory, will Umno resort to fascism to revive? That's the concern of author and researcher Dr Ooi Kee Beng at the launching of his new book...

Washington Times, The - MSM and Vietnam.(LETTERS)

Mon, 03 Apr 2006 07:00:00 GMT
April 3, 2006 -- Byline: THE WASHINGTON TIMES In his column titled "Wake-up call?" (Commentary, Saturday), Ariel Cohen spoiled an otherwise excellent...

MSM TopicsBone Health

To be sure you are purchasing only natural Hoodia, check if the company has two things that will guarantee it. First make sure they have a C&A, which is a Certificate of Analysis. This tells you that the substance has been analyzed and it is pure Hoodia Gordonii. The next piece of information you want to have about this herb is if the company has a CITES certificate, it is the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of the Worlds Fauna and Wildlife. The second line on the certificate will say "valid until (date)", make sure it is still valid. These two pieces of documentation let you know that you are buying real Hoodia Gordonii. While there are several species of Hoodia, only Hoodia Gordonii is the herb with the appetite suppressant.

Hoodia Gordonii has a molecule that acts much like glucose on the nerve cells. It is an herb that tricks the brain into feeling full. In some trials it has reduced the appetite by hundreds of calories each day. The Hoodia molecule has been found to contain 10,000 times the molecule as glucose. The molecule goes to the hypothalamus in mid brain and fires the cells that signal your brain that you have had enough. This herb actually takes away your desire to eat.
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Bone Health

General HealthChronic Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms, Cures, and Recommended Diet

Chronic fatigue, or myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a special and difficult type of ailment that is characterized by prolonged weariness that is not directly linked to any other serous medical condition.

Experts assert that chronic fatigue is a viral disease, because most of the reported cases occur after the patient has just gotten from a bout of other viral diseases, like cough, colds and influenza.

A patient suffering from chronic fatigue may experience the difficult symptoms of the disease for a few days. At its worst, chronic fatigue can last up to several weeks, especially it the illness is not appropriately treated.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue

Experts and researchers have established the usual symptoms that will indicate the onset of chronic fatigue among patients. These symptoms include: weight loss, tingling sensations, shortness of breath, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, night sweats, nausea, morning stiffness, jaw pain, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, diarrhea, chronic cough, alcohol intolerance, abdominal pain and bloating.

The patient is also expected to experience sleep disturbance, headaches, sore throat, inability to concentrate, enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits and neck, muscle soreness and great exhaustion following a regular exercise.

Types of chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is also divided into two types based on symptoms. The Sudded Onset type occurs abruptly and resembles a usual viral attack, similar to the symptoms of flu and other infection.

Gradual Onset chronic fatigue manifests symptoms on a gradual pacing. Thus, patients acquiring this type of chronic fatigue don't easily realize that they are already suffering from the viral ailment.

Causes of chronic fatigue

To know more about chronic fatigue requires knowledge about its origin. Among the usual causes pinpointed for the onset of chronic fatigue are: hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, low blood pressure, allergies, virus infection, dysfunction of the body's immune system and iron deficiency anemia.

Hormonal changes in the adrenal glands, pituitary and hypothalamus are also cited for the onset of this disease.


There are numerous cures for chronic fatigue syndrome, but is advised that patients must consult their doctor before taking in any medication. Among the most common category of medications to treat chronic fatigue, anti-depressants are the most popular.

That is because anti-depressants surely help patients relax more even with their feeling of restlessness due to the onset of the viral disease.

However, there are also many forms of diet that can effectively help curtail the disease.

Diets for chronic fatigue

To start with, a patient can take a water cure diet. This form of diet is the simplest and can be easily executed as long as the patient is disciplined enough and determined.

The water cure diet would see that the patient must take water that is equivalent to half of the body's weight. For example, the body weighs 150 lbs. The patient must then take ounces of water daily that is equivalent to 75 lbs.

It is also recommended that the patient take in at least a quarter of salt for about every quart of water that he drinks. The salt can also be used in food.

There is no restrictions in food intake, but the water cure diet restricts patients from drinking alcoholic and caffeinated beverages because they are diuretics.

Recommended food to include in diets

No special diets other than water cure is recommended for chronic fatigue patients. However, the patients are advised to avoid food groups that are considered toxic to the body.

These food group includes aspartame (a synthetic form of sugar), refined oils, food additives, chlorinated water, margarine and hydrogenated fats, junk foods, alcoholic and softdrinks and chocolates.

Instead, experts advise chronic fatigue patients to include the following in their food intake: organic food, sea vegetables, olive oil, lemonade, maple syrup, seaweeds, vegetable juices, unrefined sea salt, and foods that are rich in essential fatty acids.

Knowledge of how the food replenishes the body will greatly help a patient understand more about the usual food and substances that are recommended to help the body cope up and recover from chronic fatigue.

Overall, it is also most recommended that you avoid the disease, because, as they say, an ounce of prevention far outpaces pounds of cure.

Sticking to the normal, healthy lifestyle would surely boost the function of the body's immune system, making it more resistant to the future onset of the disease.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about chronic fatigue and what an ideal chronic fatigue diet should be.

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