Friday, January 23, 2009

Another blog about SAD Lights

NutritionDiet and Fitness Help from Your Hobbies

Everybody battles with their weight from time to time.  Its either too much junk food or not enough exercise.  In many cases it is a poor diet and no exercise.  There are easy solutions.

Everybody battles with their weight from time to time.  Its either too much junk food or not enough exercise.  In many cases it is a poor diet and no exercise.  There are easy solutions.

Everybody battles with their weight from time to time.  Its either too much junk food or not enough exercise.  In many cases it is a poor diet and no exercise.  We go to work and sit behind a computer or a counter, and we sit.  Then we get up for coffee, and then we sit.  On and on, day after day.  Its the ritual that many people get used to.  They are creatures of habit.  But the trend can be broken. 

In many cases, folks just need to get out and about to enjoy life a little.  As funny as it might sound, there are many hobbies that keep some people from being stagnant and growing fat.  True fitness doesnt have to come from the gym, there are plenty of fit people who simply watch their diet and do something everyday. 

Golfing and Fitness 

This is the one I struggled explaining to my wife.  Then she bought some clubs and started coming along.  Its great exercise.  Buy the backpack style straps for your bag or get a pull cart.  Take the initiative to walk the course.  If the weather is ninety five degrees and humid, ride a cart.  On the nice days, walk it.  Its not only good for your body, its also good for your mind.  The great outdoors has a lot to do with your happiness.  And it doesnt hurt if you make a couple nice birdie putts. 

Getting out a couple times a week to play either nine or eighteen will keep your blood flowing and challenge your thought process.  Golf is a game for life, in more ways than one. 

Join a League for Health 

There are organized sporting leagues for just about every sport that is played.  Whether they are managed by your local community or your favorite watering hole, leagues offer not only a good time, but some good exercise as well.  It doesnt take too much to get your body involved in some good physical activity.  Youll circle the bases in a softball league, or cruise around the rink from red line to red line. 

Leagues are designed to keep people active doing what they love.  All ages are welcomed, and lots of good times are had.  Softball, volleyball, tennis and more get your body moving and involved in the social arena.  Where else can you ground out and meet friends? 

Diet Hiking 

It doesnt take a game with eight hundred year old rules or an organized sports team to get outside and enjoy some exercise.  Plenty of people enjoy the great outdoors just for what it is: the great outdoors.  An activity as basic as hiking is some of the best exercise youll ever get.  You control the level of difficulty that you want to endure. 

All you need to do to participate is throw on some comfortable clothes and strap on your shoes.  Go search for agates or take the dog for a walk.  Get your exercise and keep your diet going.   

It really doesnt take a whole lot of effort to get your body moving.  Once you get started, your routine will become easier and youll want top expand it.  Health and fitness quickly becomes addicting.  Choose your poison.


Robb Ksiazek writes and publishes diet advice and body moving tips for  He believes in simple common sense solutions to keep your body, mind, and soul in a state of wellbeing.

SAD LightsPrologue, Chapter 1 Excerpts of Lipstick City

Thu, 22 Jan 2009 22:56:35 EDT
I nurse a slight chill and then light up a stale cigarette and the welcoming effects of tobacco slowly calm my frayed nerves. ... But now, sadly, my most recent days have been spent looking for scraps, panhandling for change and begging in front of busy restaurants....Slightly buzzed, a sad state that has become commonplace, I stroll the back streets of this city, a city that was once headquarters to a dream, a place where I came o ... I ponder this transformation into obscurity when I come upon Pine Street and as I wait for the light to change, a tall Mexican man asks me if I want to “b uy some weed....

Multifloral Bee Pollen
Bee Propolis
